Opium Diplomacy

What is Opium?

Opium is dried latex retrieved from poppies, opium plants. It is made of 12% of morphine, which is used for medical purposes. Opium is a block of tar-like substance that is black or brown.

What are its effects?

In ancient times, opium was used for pain relief and during religious ritruals.  During the time of the Opium Wars, it was used as an intoxicating drug.  The drug gave it's users pleasurable sensations, wonderous dreams and hallucinations usually described as perfect happiness.  Nausea, confusion, and constipation are some effects of this addictive drug.  Opium can slow the breathing to the point of unconsciousness and death with larger doses.

How was Opium monopolized?

The Portugese found a smokable form of opium and began trading it, in which the British took advantage of and began trading it to India and China. The British gave monopoly rights to a man in India, which sold Opium and cotton goods to the world.